Wednesday, February 27, 2013

IKEA, and Ottakringer

We had Monday and Tuesday off from orientation program, so it was time to do some exploring.

Monday afternoon, Frances and I found our way to IKEA, I have never been to one before, and this one was HUGE! To get there we took a tram to the edge of town, then a shuttle bus to the shopping center. Once inside you must walk the entire store to get to the end, even through the warehouse portion. No wonder they put a cafe at the end, you are tired, and hungry by the time you walk the whole thing. 

Cute Carrot pillow
Want all of these!
If I was home I would have bought so many cool things, but since whatever I buy here has to fit in a suitcase home, or be thrown out. It was fun to look. I purchased some Tupperware, and plastic bags to pack lunches once school start, and a small towel to use at the gym, cause unlike the UVM gym they don't give you them at McFit.

Tuesday I had a lazy morning and decided to venture to the famous Naschmarkt that I have been hearing about. Most people had orientation stuff going on so I went by myself, and I enjoyed it. I challenged myself by not using my GPS and after checking out the market I strolled through the 1st district, where most of museums, shops, and tourist attractions are. The market was so cute, so many little stands, with fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and pasta! I can't wait until it is warmer out there were a lot of little cafes that will open up to have seating outside. Everyone greeted me with german, and I just smiled and continued to look and walk slowly :) should probably start working on my german.


Fresh Fuit
So many Spices!

 Today we went to the famous Ottakringer Brewery. We walked through the brewery pretty fast, and I didn't learn much, but I think everyone was eager for the samples at the end. I tried a citrus beer that tasted like lemonade, then a fruity one that had banana in it. These 2 were my favorite, although the strong black beer tasted pretty good too! Very strong I wouldn't want more than one.
David you would have loved this place :)

Ingredients for beer

Cool door



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