Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blue skies?!

Its been a few days, and so Tuesday we went to OPEC for a tour, and presentation. The best part of the tour was the free cookies, and coffee at the very beginning unfortunately.  There hospitality was wonderful, but I wasn't very interested in the presentation. But it is still cool to say I have been there.

I am still feeling a little sick so have been sleeping lots, and trying to take care of myself by not staying out too late.

Wednesday we went to the Dunst Haus Wein, Museum Hundertwasser, he was a famous artist from Vienna, and his work is truly inspirational! I wish I could have taken pictures but unfortunately we weren't allowed. His architecture is unique and if you read this below, you can tell he had such an interesting way of thinking. 

Even the bathroom was cool


After we left the museum it was SUNNY out! This is the first time I have seen blue skys since I have been in Vienna, I started singing. Vitamin D makes all the difference. So does eating healthy and working out. The first two weeks was a lot of meeting up with people and going to restaurants for dinner, coffee, and cake but now that everyone is a little more settled and has found the grocery stores. I have started to make a healthier routine. I figured out how to make coffee without my K Cups, I miss my free coffee from Jesse!
I decided to get a gym membership to McFit, which is conveniently located down the street from McDonalds, (aka McCafe) I thought it was funny. This is the first time I will have to pay for a membership, so that is motivation enough for me to go! Although it is a good 20 minutes away no matter if I walk or take public transit. Well it is sunny out again so off to do some exploring today :)
Hope everyone is healthy and well. Miss you all.
Yummy salad, and coffee
Card for membership

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