Monday, February 18, 2013

Parliament tour

Today marks half way though our orientation program! Wow time is flying, there is still so much more to see. Orientation forces you to get to know the public transportation system, or figure out how to walk (usually with the help from google maps). I know how to get home from every district in Vienna now, and feel completely safe doing so by myself. Everyone here minds they're own business and now that I have figured out how to put music on my phone I usually just pop in my headphones, its pointless to try and ease drop on anyones conversations, because I can't understand them! haha

First two more picture of city hall because I found some my friends took :)

City hall on another grey sky day

Historic map of the city

Today after finding the discount grocery store (in US its called Aldi, here its called Hofer), and buying an excess amount of fruits and vegetables and real meat, I found my way to the Parliament in the city center.

Another grey day

Inside we were allowed to take picture and I was feeling a bit artsy, the chandeliers were amazing and the paintings so detailed! 

Simon my orientation leader

Like I said the chandeliers and lighting in the parliament were beautiful.

Beautiful room, but no one uses it anymore

I wish this was in my house

After the parliament I decided to head home for the evening, everyone here is getting sick, and I didn't feel too hott myself today either, so a good healthy meal and a solid 10 hours of sleep with lots of water will hopefully fight off whatever everyone else is getting! No time to be sick to many things to see and do :)

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