Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nightlife vs. daytime

So last night I went to my first night club here in Austria and it was wild and fun :) Its called Ride club, and its for international students, you get free entry with your international student card (called EBN).
I went with a large group of internationals, we all left from a dorm called gasagasse.
Great group of people right here!
From above everyone dancing

It was a great time had by all, everyone told me I would be cold wearing tights, but little did they know I'm from VT where girls go out with no tights on and high heels in below freezing weather.

The bar was pretty interesting because people are allowed to smoke inside unlike the US. So when I got home, my hair had absorbed the cigarette smell. YUCK.
In the morning I went to the large shopping center to find a USA to EU adapter, it was definitely a little adventure. What a HUGE electronic store it was.
After I met up with my orientation group and we had a tour of the schonbrunn palace. It was a recorded guided tour though BEAUTIFUL rooms with amazing crystal chandeliers, and large pantings. You weren't allowed to take pictures inside unfortunately.  So after the tour we started walking though the gardens covered in snow. It was amazing, I wanted to continue walking, but others were too cold (people wearing cloth sneakers in the snow haha, one from florida, and one from sydney Australia  I imagine they were freezing!) 

Beautiful walk ways.

After we decided to leave we went to a little cafe for cake and coffee to warm up, then to a Heurigan (traditional austrian restaurant) for dinner were we met up with people from other groups. We had the whole restaurant reserved for exchange students so it was a good time to do some more mingling, and eat great food, and wine.

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