Thursday, February 14, 2013

Forgot my camera!

The past few days have been busy, lots of sight seeing and warming up with friends for hours in little cafe's!
Yesterday we went to City Hall and unfortunately I somehow forgot my camera! AND my phone happened to be dead, so no pictures just yet, but I made some friends take pictures of me so I am waiting for them to upload them. The inside of city hall was BEAUTIFUL! So large, and they have over 1000 events every year in the hall, when the tour guide told us that we all looked at each other and said, then shouldn't they're be something going on right now? There could have been for all I know.

After the tour a few of us followed Simon (our orientation leader) to his favorite cafe shop, which happens to be right down the street from me. After sitting down I realized I was the only exchange student from US. It was fun, I learned so much about everywhere else, and its entertaining to try and understand what they are all saying with the thick accents.

Today I found a Billa (grocery store) this morning to do some grocery shopping, and decided to walk to city center for our site seeing tour though the 1st district of Vienna.

Getting a brief history 
Walk through the park
On valentines day <3
Imperial palace - Hofburg

We walked for 2 hours out in the freezing cold, luckily I know how to dress for this weather, wearing my fleece lined leggings, Eddie Baurer fleece jacket, along with my down puffy coat, and Sorel boots. But somehow after 2 hours.. I was till cold!

But the landscape was snow covered and beautiful.
St. Peter's Church
Inside! So beautiful

After the tour a group of us decided to head back to the most famous cafe in Vienna for some coffee, and cake, to celebrate valentines day the right way of course. DEMEL.
I ordered the traditional Austrian Chocolate cake and it was amazing! A similar thing happened again today as I looked around the cafe shop I discovered I was the only US exchange student again! I am loving meeting everyone from different country's. The only thing that may get old fast is when they speak in they're native language to each other. Like 2 guys from france, talking french.

Some of the amazing cakes you can order.

Kelly my Valentines date!

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