Sunday, February 10, 2013


After Dinner we hopped on a train to VENICE! 200 students from all over the world, 10 hour train ride, with an all you can drink bar.
Most exhausting trip every but SO worth every minute.

This trip is best described in pictures.
This is all the students waiting for the train, and its already full of Austrian students ready to entertain us for 10 hours.

The lovely girls I shared a Couchette with

So the train was long, but so fun and it was a great chance to meet so many people, we all were forced to be in close corders and I couldn't have asked for a better group of girls.
After arriving in Venice, we found a bathroom (which we had to pay 1 Euro to get into, we were able to change and brush our teeth. 
Then we were off, for a day full of walking and seeing AMAZING things.

Maskss everywhere :)

Stopped at the first bridge

The buildings were beautiful

Best girls to travel with every!
 At this point we learned that it would be nice to say "will you take a picture of us" in every language. Otherwise you point at your camera and your face and just smile and hope they understand. ALSO you pray they won't run off with your camera.

I obviously wanted my face painted!
Elaborate costumes

Beautiful Gondolas 

So at this point we were just walking to san marco center, which probably took over 3 hours because we kept stoping in little stores to try and warm up. Around every alley way was another group of goofy costumes.

Bird people

Best part of the trip is this picture above, Dani, Kristi, and I decided to sit down while Jessica found a bathroom. While sitting we were Mobbed by 10+ Carnival people. They proceeded to hang around us for 10 minutes, and told us to "move slowly". At this point they're were probably over 30 people taking pictures of us! And we refused to move (cause we were just too tiered and having way to much fun!)

So amazing!

Same fountain we were mobbed at :) Happiest girls they're could be.

We all bought masks by the end of the day, and just walked around. We were kind of clueless as to what to do other then walk. We went into a few cafe's, but it would cost more to sit and eat then to "take away" One time I waited.... 40 minutes to use a bathroom, cause it was free and inside! haha Now looking back it wasn't worth it but, with friends time flies.

We decided to have an early and LONG dinner because it ment we were able to SIT, and be warm. Being from Vermont I thought I was prepared for the cold. But I wasn't prepared for the humidity, which made it feel 10 degrees colder then it really was. Also making it too cold to think about going on a gondola ride.

We found a Pizzeria, were I ordered Lasagna, and may have been sleep talking (or sleep eating) at this point. We were all very tired, but we had lots of fun talking about the crazy things we saw all day, and making plans for Spring Break.


After dinner we made our way back to san marco square, with EVERYONE else and there was a concert going on! Everyone was drinking straight from the wine bottles at this point. It was really cool to see everything in nighttime and thenn... it started Thundering!

Which way is the train station?
San Marco Square at night!

And as we started headed back to the train station we realized just how far we had walked! Also how many bridges we had crossed.
Everyone told us the train station was straight. But in Venice there is NO straight. So we continued to follow the crowds and continued to be rained on.
When we finally made it to the train station it was 10 PM and we were able to get on the train, take off our wet cloths and set up beds again.
We all fell right asleep and I didn't wake up until morning when one of the Austrian students knocked on the door and started speaking german... we were all half asleep (it was 6 am) and he was saying we were 15 min. away. We got our stuff ready and hopped off the train and onto the Ubah to our dorms. Everyone said goodbye and went back to there dorms and SLEPT for HOURS!
It was such an amazing trip and I couldn't be more ready to hop back on a train and see more of Europe!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures and posts are great. I'm so happy you are having such a great time! Your mom and dad updated me on your adventures today. Can't wait to see more!
