Friday, March 1, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday, the orientation program set up a scavenger hunt around vienna for us. We formed our own groups of max 7 people, and wondered around the city, looking for strangers to ask questions to and take our picture. Some random takes including finding the most expensive sacher torte, find out what the cheapest room for the night is at the famous sacher hotel, and don't get lost!

The first task was a Manner eating contest, you had to finish two packages... Ashley volunteered to do this for our group and of course she was up again some hard competition. We unfortunately lost this activity but we had fun doing it.

We had to come up with a creative team name, we had a group of 6 girls and 1 boy. So naturally we focused on that fact. We called ourselves Simon the 8th and his 6 wives. The reference being that Henry the 8th had 6 wives. And so we dressed in traditional Viennese clothing and waltz (sorry don't have those pictures yet).

Then we were off to the streets! We had to hold our team name in EACH picture, and we ALL had to be in the picture, or find a substitute for ourselves. We were given a quiz we worked on while on the Ubahn heading to places, and were able to ask Viennese for help if needed. The more unique, funny, and outrageous the picture the more points we would reserve so we tried to think of original posses at each destination.
How many Schnitzel are eaten to date?
35087... can't read the rest

What is the oldest form of transportation?

Make a picture that best describes your team name
Simon on his thrown

Along the way we had to ask strangers to take our picture, we also had to ask what traditional Viennese expressions, we asked  a really nice women in a park, and learned some funny phrases!
The funniest part of taking these pictures were watching everyone else look at us funny, confused, and most laughed with us.

For those of you who don't know that is the abbreviation for our school here.

Take a picture infront of a traditional cafe.
A for effort?

Take a picture with Mozart.
Kristi was a great conductor :)
Tonight at the awards, and closing presentation we will find out who won, and what the prizes are. Win or Loss it was a great time had by all!

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