Monday, March 18, 2013

Futbol game and sagrada familia

View from our seat
At least we could see the whole game!
Last night we went to a Barcelona vs. Rayo ballecano futbol game. It was incredible, yes we were in the nose bleed section but we were able to sit next to each other which we didn't think would happen and it didn't rain! Before leaving the hostel we wanted a picture of all the girls and they both had purchased really cool Barcelona scarfs and I had no fan gear. Sean saw that I had no team spirit and let me borrow a jersey. I went from least legit to most in about 2 min thanks to Sean.

LEGITIMATE FANS  right here :)

Modeling again

We made our way to the game climbed several stairs and took several pictures. The fans weren't too ruddy around us but it was a really cool atmosphere.
Afterwards we took the subway back with EVERYONE else and there cousin.
Metro on the way home

Sagrada Familia
Today we woke up early and went back to Sagrada Familia Church for our trip to the top of the tour. We got there early and it was nice because it was not too touristy yet. Our trip was for 9:30 and the church opens at 9. The stain glass windows were amazing! And the ceilings I can't even begin to describe. Gaudi was an incredible architect. The weather was sunny 55 and very windy, so no complaints. Blue sky's were seen all day.

About to head up the stairs

Stain glass is beautiful!
View from the tour!
This is how you get a GREAT picture
You really have to commit
Yes that is me on the ground

Like this one 

Afterwards we walked down to the old town, stopping in the park and found an amazing fountain! Then we found lunch at a cute little Catalan restaurant. Here I got pesto appetizer and steak. It was delicious and only 10.80 for that with bread, coffee, and pudding bread for dessert.
We walked around the old town and found some cute souvenir shops and postcards, and candy AKA happy pills store.
Statures everywhere



One of our favorite restaurants 

Love this place :)

Columbus monument


Boats in the harbor 

Then we went to the waterfront and found some ships and more street vendors, after we decided to take the chair lift up to the castle. We found amazing views at the top and lots of tourists.

Frances (yes I was being artsy)

So many buildings


The castle at the top

Frances and Kristi matching shoes
On the walk down

After missing the last chair lift down we walked down to the metro and took it to la boquaria, a food market in the center of the city. Here we found fresh fruit, meat, fish, bread, nuts, candy, chocolate, and everything in between.





Enjoying dinner on the street


We grabbed some empanadas for dinner and a fruit cup for breakfast.
At this point all of our feet are pretty sore and I had had enough touring for one day. I was ready to be laying down and not feel like I was being hurdled like sheep, being forced to follow the crowds and walking at a slow pace.

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