Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lisbon portugal

After arriving in Lisbon we took a taxi to our hostel. I don't get why taxi drivers insist on driving so fast around sharp narrow corners here in Europe. Upon arriving at our beautiful hostel with a kind staff we were apparently a little bit of a suprise to them. They did not have sheets or a room for us so we got upgraded for free for a night to a 4 person room. But we had to wait almost 2 hours for our sheets. I think they had to dry them with an iron....

After finally getting some sleep we were ready to explore lisbon. Well actually went to Belem a small town outside Lisbon. We took a bus there and went to the Monastery which was beautiful. After walking around the gardens and getting rained on we made it to the fort castle like structure near the water. We went to the top to find more wind and amazing views of the beautiful port side city.
Inbetween we went to the famous pastery shop in belem and ordered some quiche and egg tarts! They were delicious. Portugal is known for there egg based products.
Inside the monastery

Monastery from the ouside
Famous, now I know why
Most delicious egg tart!

Cool structure on the waterfront

Fort Belem (we went to the top)
It was really windy

At 6 we decided to head back to the hostel to clean up before dinner. But unfortunetly we got off at the wrong bus stop and wondered inner Lisbon for about an hour trying to find the plaza our hostel was in before relizing we were on the wrong end of town. So we got back on the bus and made our way back.
We were quite hungry at this point so we asked the hostel front desk what she recommended for food close by. And see walked us there :) so friendly. We all loves our dinner and may just be going back to try the salmon all the reviews raves about.

I got the duck
Afterwards we walked next door to try the Portages known shot, Ginjinha. Which is cherry liquor in a edible chocolate cup. It was devine.


We found our new room in the hostel and stayed in from the rain for the evening.
Today we are off to Sintra and Cascais. This will be our final day trip on spring break together. And potentially the most expensive... I thought lisbon was supose to be inexpensive?

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