Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day trip to Bratislava

Today a large group of WU students decided to go to Bratislava today. It was 15 Euro train ticket and you could hop on any train each hour, so why not!

We left at 9:30 and got there at 10:30, and our first stop was a small Cafe for coffee, and cake. (Yes cake for breakfast!)

Cafe Latte 
After we got some energy, and sugar, we were ready to explore. Frances was a great tour guide for the day (she has already been to Bratislava once). We lost the crowd of people we came with (it is so much easier to travel with fewer people), and we were ready to start the sightseeing.
We just walked around for most of the day, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous sunny and 45 degrees, I actually got to wear my sunglasses for once.
Slovakia's "White House"

Just having fun :)

Bratislava has numerous random statues around the City Center, and I loved them all, I tried to get a picture with most of them.
Me and my new boy ;)

We found a really cute bear and all wanted a picture of course!
 We made it to a museum, and took the scary spiral stairs all the way to the top of the tower, the view was breathtaking, and I enjoyed soaking up some Vitamin D. In the distance is the castle the Nazies built, later we walked there. Walking is your form of exercise while studying abroad, and stairs! No need for stair master here.

View from the top of the tower! GORGEOUS! 

 Fast forward in time and here is Frances and I at the castle :)
Frances and I at the Castle
After the castle, we figured it was about lunch time. So we found a traditional Slovenian restaurant on the way down hill from the mountain. We all orded the duck, with cabbage, and potato pancakes, it was by far the best meal I have had while abroad so far! Worth every Euro, and somehow we all managed to finish each and every bite.

The girls and our ducks
This is what happend's when the waiter doesn't speak english,
has no clue how to use your camera, and leaves Marcus
out of the picture... haha sorry

Slovenian Duck, was delicious!
And after late lunch we had more energy and found more statues!

Where we going?

Man hole

It was love at first sight.
We had coffee at the cafe right behind this.
Natalia, and Nat having fun :)

The BLUE Church!
While on the way back to the train station we found the last tourist attraction that we wanted to see which was this one of a kind blue church. The paint on the side was such a unique style and design, and the sun was setting so the church almost blended into the background.

We made it back to the train station with plenty of time to spare, and were even able to grab some Milka bars (which are the best and cheapest chocolate bars from Germany). 

Couldn't have asked for a better day with friends, my feet are a little sollen, and I won't eat again today, the duck was quite filling. 

Tomorrow I go skiing, bus leaves at 7 soo... off to bed! Night

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