Saturday, March 23, 2013


The first day in madrid was relaxing and entertaining. We enjoyed strolling around the busy streets and exploring some of the famous sights. We got lucky again the fact that our hostel is right in the middle of the city.

We ate some complementary breakfast which consisted of mini baggetts, toasts, cereal, and coffee and tea. We were pretty satisfied, so we headed out into the city with no plans. Which is unlike us. We stumbled upon the royal palace right intime for the changing of guard ceremony, and the gardens, then we found an egyptian temple. After this it was lunch time already. We were on a mission to find sandwiches to eat in the park. But ended up sitting at a restuarant and eating. It was quite delicious, i had a smoked salmon and avocado salad.

Afterwards we finally tryed curros and chocolate at a chocolateria. They were delicious. Then we went to a little park where there were many street vendors and walked around, I purchased some suviniors here and then we loundged on the grass for a bit.
Afterwards we headed back to the hostel for real nap time. Kristi and I slept for over an hour, while Frances showered and worked on her blog.

Later around 9 pm we met up with 2 of Frances friends from high school that are studying in Madrid for the sermester. They took us to the market and we were able to try so many different kinds of spanish food. We had black paella, small 1 euro sandwiches, some seafood dip, and a white sangaria which was delicious! Afterwards we headed to the "ham museum" where we all shares small ham and cheese sandwiches. And to finish it off we went to the famous chocolate and curros place. It was great meeting up with the guys. They gave us great advice for things to see and do the next few days.

Today we went to the prado art museum. And again I was overwelmed. The art work was fantastic and we actually only saw one floor, little did I know we would be back 2 more times to see the other floors. (This museum was free for students!)
After the museum we went to an all you can eat resteraunt and the food was delicious. We ate more paella and lots of other traditional spanish cuisine. After eating way to much we ventured to the royal palace. We went inside and I was amazed once again! This palace had such elavorate ceilings paintings and curtains. And of courae chandelers. Unfortunetly you are not allowed to take pictures inside though.
Afterwards we headed back to the egyptian monument in the park to warch the sunset. We're still pretty full from lunch. Might be an early night.

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