Thursday, March 28, 2013

Last day with the girls

Today was our last day together traveling for spring break here in Europe. We decided to stay around here in Lisbon. We ate our final hostel breakfast and ventured out to the streets. We went to a viewpoint over Lisbon, then to a church to check out the paintings. Afterwards it was lunch time we went to an all you could eat sushi bar which I wasn't terribly excited but it was actually quite delisious and they had lots of fresh fruit :) yumm

View Point

Coolest street in lisbon, dedicated to the elders that live on it

Later we made our way to one final castle overlooking Lisbon. Here we found lots of stray cats and peacocks! Such an interesting combination but absolutely beautiful. After waiting patiently for the the peacock to open up its wings, it never happened and we moved on.
Castle lookout


Castle play time

We wanted to check out this last church in time before it closed. We made it in time for a Maundy Thursday service (Thursday before easter). We decided to stay for the intro and what a cultural experience it was. I have never been in such a formal service before the guys proceeded down the center aile while the choir sang. Everything was in Portuguese and we were pretty tired so we only stayed for about half hour.
Church time 

We were determined to find a traditional Portuguese place for dinner. And that we did, Frances and I both got cod and Kristi was brave and tried some sardines, which as expected were very salty.
We found our way back to the hostel in the rain for the final time and packed up and called it an early night because we had to catch our taxi at 4 am.

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