Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sick in Newcastle

After arriving in Edinburgh and discovering that tickets for the train are way more expensive if you don't order 24 hours ahead, I hoped on my 40 pound train to Newcastle. But not before grabbing myself a bagel and a chi latte. I have had a scratchy throat for the past few days so tea and lattes help.

The train was absolutely beautiful, it went right up next to the coast and only took an hour and a half vs. the 2 and a half hour bus ride. So all in all really no complaints, and I got to shut my eyes for a bit even though the coast was beautiful.

Train ride view!
Beautiful little town on the coast
I got off at Newcastle and Erin (one of my close friends from uvm studying here in newcastle) was waiting and we walked a good 40 min. Back to her dorm, through town, a street similar to church street, then through the cow fields to her dorm... Must say that was very strange.
Cows on campus

We hung out for a while before headed to a pub on campus to meet up with some of Erin's friends. There we ordered dinner and some drinks. After we headed back to the dorms for some chill girl time. While we girls were hanging out in Louise's room across the hall from Erin's the boys from downstairs decided to interrupt our party and be hilariously drink. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

Today we got up and went to the shoreside "the beach". It was a 30 min metro out of town to this quant little beach town. We ate some lunch near a castle on the grass before heading to the sandy beach. We were with a group of Erin's friends and I think I fell asleep for awhile. My cold is not going away...


Erin and I


Beautiful shore side!

After the beach we decided to meet up with some other friends at a bar but Erin and I weren't quite feeling it as we are both kind of sick and we decided to head back into town for a quick walking tour of Newcastle and to find some food. And that we did.

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