Saturday, May 11, 2013

Adventures in scotland

Friday morning we woke up and the sky was grey, we decided to stay around Bridge of Allan and Stirling (the next neighboring town), and where she goes to university.
First we had some tea, made some breakfast and took our time getting ready to brave the weather.
We walked around Amy's campus which we absolutely beautiful for about an hour. There is a lake in the middle of the campus full of swans and little black ducks. It was sprinkling the whole time and there were little natts everywhere. Some other cool things on her campus included an indoor swimming pool, a golf course, and a castle.

View from campus

Monument in the background

After we took the bus into Stirling, we walked to the castle (yes another castle), walked around town and found a cute cafe for lunch. After we went to the mall because it was just too miserable to be sightseeing outside. I tried some ironbru which is really popular form of soda in the UK, and got a dress at Primark.

Church in Stirling

Beautiful grave yard

Feel like I am living on trains

We decided to head back early and take a nap before heading out for the night. After some rest we made pasta for dinner, and went to the local brewery in town for some home brew cider and a game of dominos. After the brewery we heeded back into Stirling to go to the night club called dusk. We showed up and were just about the only people there and not many people ever really showed up. But it was still fun!

Saturday we took the train into Edinburgh, where Amy toured me around, and shared the knowledge that she had with me. We just wondered around. We walked to the castle, admired the mountain (that we talked about climbing but had ran out of time), walked around a grave yard, and went to the national museum of Scotland. At the museum we played in the child section, and loved admiring the different animals.


Found an empty square

Bag Pipes, how Scottish, hahah



Coffee shop where harry potter was written on napkins...

After the museum we went to dinner at a little pub that Amy had been to once before and I got the steak and ale tip. It was tasty but a little salty. After we found our way back to the train station in the cold and grabbed some ice cream for later. Again we chatted until midnight and just had so much fun reminiscing.

Amy had to work this morning so I found my way to the train station and am currently on my way to Edinburg to catch a train to Newcastle.

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