Saturday, May 11, 2013

Megabus is mega cheap

So instead of taking the train I decided to try and saw some money and take the bus to London, from Newcastle. Usually about a 7 hour bus ride which is long yes but if I am prepared for it I don't mind. So I waisted about 2 hours in Newcastle while Erin worked on her papers and I waited for my bus. I went to the department/ grocery store called Marc's and Spencer's and fell in love a little bit. Finally a grocery store I can understand what I am buying and just a great selection of a lot of different things.
After buying enough snacks and food to feed the entire bus I found a cute coffee shop and ordered some tea just around the corner from the bus stop. Finally it was time to board and everyone warmed me to be pushy while picking a seat and I definitely wanted a window seat. So I was and found a seat I was happy with next to a nice looking older women. At 2 pm we were off. 3 hours later at one of the stops the buzzer for the door wouldn't turn off. So this created a safety issue meaning we couldn't go any further on that bus, and we had to wait for an engineer. While the engineer could do anything so at this point we've been at this station for over an hour and people are getting ansi. 2 women had so many connections to catch the engineer actually ended up driving hem to London because they couldn't wait. And they actually postponed a bus from London to Paris for there arrival. They were pretty cool looking women, once they arrive in Paris they take two trains and then walk for 3 days to get to there friends house. Wow!
Waiting on a bus..

Well after all said and done we finally got another bus, this bus was heading to London but only had 24 spots so I kid you not, the bus driver said, priority goes to women, children, and elders. Everyone had a feeling we would start sinking like titanic soon. But within another half hour an empty bus came to get the rest of us.

At this point I was unsure if the tube (public transportation or trains) in London would be running when we got it. It was a little scary to think about because we're I am staying is a 40 min. Train ride. Lucky there were lots of very friendly people on the bus one girl told me I could stay at her flat while another looked up train times and let me text my friends who I am staying with from her phone. It was refreshing to have such company in this time of uncertainty.

We arrived at 11 o'clock and I was able to catch the train at 1130 out to guildford, once I landed in guildford there was a line of taxes just waiting to the me home :)

One long bus ride for sure!

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