Saturday, May 11, 2013

College in a castle (Durham university)

Tuesday we woke up and erin made me a famous "toastie" also known as grilled cheese, but her specialty is that she uses brie cheese, and wow that was delicious! Erin had class from 12-2 so I walked around Northumberland street (similar to church street) and did some shopping. I ended up purchasing a pair of shorts and a summer shirt because it was just so sunny and warm outside! Everyone warned me about how cold the UK is in June and I came prepared for that so my pants and sweaters were not cutting it.

At 2 I met Erin outside in a park and we headed to the church, to view the inside that we were not able to see the day before. It was beautiful, and the antique flags really add something to the church. I love being in a place that speaks English! After we went to the train station and headed to Durham, a small town only 15 minutes away. In the Durham church part of the fist Harry potter was filmed, so that was really cool to check out! We decided to take a tour of the Durham castle and that was wicked cool! The castle is actually a university we bought our tour tickets in the library then took a tour of this beautiful antique castle that was built in 1066. I don't know if I have ever been in something that old. We were not able to take pictures inside but just imagine the inside of Hogwarts... That was basically it. They use the kitchen to cook food for the college students and the large dinning area is where they get to eat, the students have dorms inside the castle walls and there is also a historic bar/pub on campus. Erin and I went to check it out but the students were using it as a study area, since finals are coming up. It was really cool to see though. I am seriously considering applying to grad school there. But it seems extremely competitive as they only accept about 700 undergrads and 200 masters students.
Durham cathedral

Durham cathedral

Durham University

You can live in castle if you go here for school!
Want to go to grad school here now

Afterwards we walked around the quant town of Durham and bought ice cream from the cutest old man ever!

English Breakfast
I didn't eat the black pudding..
We took the train back to Newcastle and headed back to Erin's dorm for pizza and chilling with the girls on her floor. Erin was suppose to start a paper but that didn't happen. So today we went to breakfast and she left me to go do work at the library. Right now I am sitting in a cute coffee shop waiting for my mega bus to London, and still trying to get over my cold. Today I am finally feeling a little better, no more head cold just a cough, so still lots of water, tea, and orange juice!

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