Monday, May 27, 2013

Salzburg for the weekend

I am so glad I went to Salzburg this weekend, the weather turned out to be okay nothing amazing but I had a fantastic weekend with a fellow uvm student. I met Anna at the train station and she took me back to her apartment on the outskirts of Salzburg. I met her Austrian speaking roommate as we tried to figure out what we wanted to do with the rest of the day.

We had talked about visiting an ice cave in a small town outside of Salzburg, and since it wasn't beautiful weather outside we decided to do it. We looked it up and did the research on how to get there and were off, back to the train station. We took a train to Werfen Austria. There we took a bus to the ice caves. Once there we walked 20 min to the cable car. If I had arrived earlier in the day it would have been really cool to hike up but since we were running out of time and the last tour was at 3:45 we decided to take the cable car. Once at the top you again walk 20 min to the entrance of the caves. At this point we were so high up it was snowing! I couldn't believe I was seeing snow at the end of May!
Before entering the cave they give you a lantern and say walk two by two, so naturally I walked with Anna. The guides warned us of 700 steps and I was ready! Once inside the guide shut the door and without the lanterns you would not be able to see anything. I was already amazed at the sights! Incredible how much ice there was. Did I forgot to mention that this ice cave was the largest in the world? Cause it is. And wow, after an hour of touring it I was in awe... I can't believe discovering it and I am jealous of the guides that get to explore it everyday.
Inside the ice cave
Top of the cable car

Walking to the ice cave enterence


Afterwards we headed back down the mountain and back into Salzburg for dinner. We we to Anna apartment to quickly change them went to Augustiener brew house for a traditional Austrian dinner. Here you get a pitcher of beer and walk to the different vendors and get whatever you want to eat. I got a slice of pork some potato wedges, and a large Radler (a beer mixed with flavored soda, very austrian drink)

Brew house

Cool environment

At the brew house we met up with a few of Anna's friends and then went to a bar to listen to some live music.

Saturday we woke up and had our hearts set on going to Hallstatt a small beautiful Austrian town on the edge of a lake region. But first we checked out the market in town and some of the gardens.

Display of how they make the famous Mozart Kugel

Market in town

Beautiful Flowers!

Breakfast of champs
Apple pretzel

Mirabell gardens
There were wedding pictures being taken behind me

After we hopped on a bus In order to take a train, to then get on the ferry to later arrive in Hallstatt! We arrived by 2 pm and quickly found a coffee shop to warm up and get some energy. I ordered a soup while Anna ate some cake.
On the ferry over to Hallstat


My travel buddy ANNA! 

Lunch :)

Cute restaurant were we ate lunch.

Admiring the view

Love this place so MUCH!


My favorite picture

Jumping picture

I almost bought this hat

Cutest Village ever!

Wish I got to live here like this cat


Roses on the end of the water

Laughing at each other on the ferry back to the train.

After we walked around for almost 4 hours exploring the side road and just enjoying our conversations and eachothers company. We tried to hike to the top of a waterfall but turned around before we got too far away from town. Once it hit 5 o'clock we decided it was time to start figuring out how to get home, and good timing because we made it for the last ferry and last train out of town. After a long trip back to Salzburg we went straight to dinner, at a local pizza pasta place, we ordered a pizza and some wine. And again chitchatted.

Yummy Pizza!

At this point we were pretty tired so we caught a bus back to Anna's apartment and I showered and went to bed.

This morning we woke up and went on a beautiful walk around her end of Salzburg, exploring the bike bath and it was incredible to see the alps just peaking through.
Morning walk

Not a bad view to call your backyard.
Thanks Anna for a great weekend!

After Anna made me an awesome omelet with onions, garlic and spinach. Yumm., now I am on the way back to Vienna with lots of school work to do and an exam to prepare for in the morning.

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