Sunday, May 26, 2013

First exam

I arrived back in Vienna on Saturday afternoon and decided to go out for a friends 21st birthday. However she drank a little too much and didn't make it to the club. And instead of spending money to get In to the club I went home. Sunday I had my first lazy day in a very long time. I watched movies and started studying for my exams. I had my first exam on Wednesday for global consumer behavior. Monday was another Austrian holiday (there are about 5 of them in the month of may). So I went to the gym, studied some more and did lots of planning with Erin (UVMer that is studying in Newcastle) for our upcoming trips.
On Tuesday I had a group meeting to talk about an upcoming presentation, we have been doing marketing research on what an Austrian student looks for in a coffee shop. It's quite interesting and I really enjoy my teammates. After our meeting, I went shopping in search of light weight cloths that will be comfortable while traveling in Italy :) I'd say I succeeded, with purchasing 2 tank tops, one loose t-shirt, and a dress that I absolutely love. Afterwards I tried my first frozen yogurt in Vienna, not the same as froyo in downtown Burlington. Then I went to the gym with my iPad and biked for over an hour while watching enchanted the movie. I figured its about time that I get back into shape for bike riding this summer.
Time to work out..

Wednesday I took my exam in the morning and I have to say I haven't written that much by hand in a long time it was 7 short answer questions, I felt confident that I passes when I left the class. The teacher had the exam grades posted before the end of the day and I got an A in the class :)

So to celebrate I invited some friends over and we planned to have have a few drinks on the patio, but then it started raining so we moved the party inside. The girls had wine, strawberries and maccoroos, and the boys enjoyed there whiskey.
White wine and strawberries on the patio 

Thursday I had a presentation for international marketing and we decided to only have 2 people present, me and Dee because the others are hard to understand and become too stressed over how they are going to say something. (These are not native English speakers).

After I went to the gym, then home.

Yummy Salad

The things you see in the park..

Laying in the park

French toast with some VT maple syrup

Chilling in the park with my new shoes on

Cool graffiti in Vienna 

I have been in debate on weather to go to Salzburg or not this weekend, and I finally decided to just go. The weather looks awful, but I figured I am only in Austria for a few more weeks so i have to take advantage of everything it has to offer.

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