Thursday, May 16, 2013

Days with Megan (Purple bike!)

Sunday- Tuesday was filled with catching up on school work, group projects, going to the gym, and trying to get back on a regular eating schedule. After traveling for 10 days there can be a lot to catch up on including, TV shows, relaxing, and hanging out with my amazing roommate.

Wednesday I finally had a day off so Megan and I decided to hang out. First we did laundry, but when we went to hang dry our cloths on the balcony, unfortunately it was so windy outside that our cloths KEPT falling over onto the ground. So we moved them inside, and hung them all around the apartment.
Laundry everywhere


After we tried to be productive but it was a fail so we decided to go biking and get some sunshine :)
We figured out how to use the city bikes and biked to the Prater, a large amusement park here in Vienna. Megan has lots of pictures on her camera and I will upload those once she puts them on her camera. There we found the bike rack to drop our bikes off and continued to walk around the park and eventually found a nice spot in the sun to work on our tan.

Purple Bike!

Lying under a tree catching some rays

Prater park

After we walked down the large shopping street here in vienna, yes in our workout cloths, and windowed shopped. We admired cute purses, and cool postcards, until we got hungry. We walked into an ice cream parlor, but we both kind of looked at each other and said, I don't want ice cream (we are tying to make healthier choices). So we decided to try a smoothie place one of my friends had suggested to me. It was a little bit of a walk from where we were but SO worth it. I got a berry extravaganza, made with organic yogurt, and fresh berries! So delicious.

Cute Smoothie Shop

Different kinds of juices they sell

Delicious and satisfying 

Later Megan and I went to the gym, then home. 
Megan left today for a trip to Latvia for 10 days. The apartment isn't the same without her, it is very quite, it is just me and Charlotte, (her roommate left in April and we haven't gotten anyone new yet).

Tomorrow I am going on a short hiking trip with the schools Buddy Network. We are hiking to the top of a national park about 2 hours west of vienna, and will stay at a cabin at the top for the night. Should be really fun, I am looking forward to it and I have my fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.

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