Wednesday, February 27, 2013

IKEA, and Ottakringer

We had Monday and Tuesday off from orientation program, so it was time to do some exploring.

Monday afternoon, Frances and I found our way to IKEA, I have never been to one before, and this one was HUGE! To get there we took a tram to the edge of town, then a shuttle bus to the shopping center. Once inside you must walk the entire store to get to the end, even through the warehouse portion. No wonder they put a cafe at the end, you are tired, and hungry by the time you walk the whole thing. 

Cute Carrot pillow
Want all of these!
If I was home I would have bought so many cool things, but since whatever I buy here has to fit in a suitcase home, or be thrown out. It was fun to look. I purchased some Tupperware, and plastic bags to pack lunches once school start, and a small towel to use at the gym, cause unlike the UVM gym they don't give you them at McFit.

Tuesday I had a lazy morning and decided to venture to the famous Naschmarkt that I have been hearing about. Most people had orientation stuff going on so I went by myself, and I enjoyed it. I challenged myself by not using my GPS and after checking out the market I strolled through the 1st district, where most of museums, shops, and tourist attractions are. The market was so cute, so many little stands, with fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and pasta! I can't wait until it is warmer out there were a lot of little cafes that will open up to have seating outside. Everyone greeted me with german, and I just smiled and continued to look and walk slowly :) should probably start working on my german.


Fresh Fuit
So many Spices!

 Today we went to the famous Ottakringer Brewery. We walked through the brewery pretty fast, and I didn't learn much, but I think everyone was eager for the samples at the end. I tried a citrus beer that tasted like lemonade, then a fruity one that had banana in it. These 2 were my favorite, although the strong black beer tasted pretty good too! Very strong I wouldn't want more than one.
David you would have loved this place :)

Ingredients for beer

Cool door



Sunday, February 24, 2013

Avalanches in Graz

Love lock bridge

Saturday it was our groups turn to go to Graz (the second largest city in Austria, and most student friendly). We left at 7:30 from school and they're was close to a foot of snow on the ground already. Our bus driver was able to get us out of Vienna ok, but it was slow.

Early morning to get to school to hop on bus.

We hoped of the bus 3 hours later to meet our tour guide David, who would show us around the history city that is Graz. Upon arrival was again blue skies! Everyone was happy to see the sun, and most of us couldn't deal with how sunny it was, the snow was creating an intense glare, but don't worry it didn't last for long...
First stop was a beautiful church, but not before a little wake up call. As we stood outside the church admiring the architecture. A HUGE section of snow from the roof decided to come tumbling down on us! Most screamed, and didn't know what to do, I was one of those people. I stood there as snow pounded down on me... eventually I decided to try and protect myself and run away from it. Everyone was OK just wet, flustered, and cold. It was definitely an experience.


After drying off, we ventured into a BEAUTIFUL church, with gorgeous chandeliers, and stain glass windows.

We also went to one of coolest staircases I have ever seen. They call them the kissing staircase because each time you go up you separate from the person then come together kiss and keep moving upwards. They are one of the 10 most notable staircases in the world!
Beautiful day!
The kissing stairs
Double staircase

Mountain tucked away in the streets of Graz

At the top of this mountain is a clock tower and an amazing view of Graz. We took the elevator up and were able to do some exploring but most of us were too busy participating in a large snowball fight.
Clock Tower
Jessica and Nicole
Snowball fight


When we made it down it was time to leave and move on to the Chocolate factory tour! But first one more clock tower and City Hall.

Clock tower

City Hall

And so we hoped on the bus and headed to Zotter chocolate factory. We were given testing spoons upon arrival, and it was a audio guided tour, but most of us just let our taste buds do the talking. The tour started with the rawest chocolate you could possibly have, pure coco beans. They were gross! But it only got better. Each room was a new surprise of deliciousness. By the end most people felt sick and were looking forward to sitting for another 3 hours until they had to move again!


So many flavors

Most interesting "chocolate"

Once we made it back to Vienna, it was bedtime! Today was pretty lazy, but I did go see Les Miserable with one of my roommates tonight, I swear there was not a dry eye in the theater. Such amazing singing, acting, and so much passion!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blue skies?!

Its been a few days, and so Tuesday we went to OPEC for a tour, and presentation. The best part of the tour was the free cookies, and coffee at the very beginning unfortunately.  There hospitality was wonderful, but I wasn't very interested in the presentation. But it is still cool to say I have been there.

I am still feeling a little sick so have been sleeping lots, and trying to take care of myself by not staying out too late.

Wednesday we went to the Dunst Haus Wein, Museum Hundertwasser, he was a famous artist from Vienna, and his work is truly inspirational! I wish I could have taken pictures but unfortunately we weren't allowed. His architecture is unique and if you read this below, you can tell he had such an interesting way of thinking. 

Even the bathroom was cool


After we left the museum it was SUNNY out! This is the first time I have seen blue skys since I have been in Vienna, I started singing. Vitamin D makes all the difference. So does eating healthy and working out. The first two weeks was a lot of meeting up with people and going to restaurants for dinner, coffee, and cake but now that everyone is a little more settled and has found the grocery stores. I have started to make a healthier routine. I figured out how to make coffee without my K Cups, I miss my free coffee from Jesse!
I decided to get a gym membership to McFit, which is conveniently located down the street from McDonalds, (aka McCafe) I thought it was funny. This is the first time I will have to pay for a membership, so that is motivation enough for me to go! Although it is a good 20 minutes away no matter if I walk or take public transit. Well it is sunny out again so off to do some exploring today :)
Hope everyone is healthy and well. Miss you all.
Yummy salad, and coffee
Card for membership

Monday, February 18, 2013

Parliament tour

Today marks half way though our orientation program! Wow time is flying, there is still so much more to see. Orientation forces you to get to know the public transportation system, or figure out how to walk (usually with the help from google maps). I know how to get home from every district in Vienna now, and feel completely safe doing so by myself. Everyone here minds they're own business and now that I have figured out how to put music on my phone I usually just pop in my headphones, its pointless to try and ease drop on anyones conversations, because I can't understand them! haha

First two more picture of city hall because I found some my friends took :)

City hall on another grey sky day

Historic map of the city

Today after finding the discount grocery store (in US its called Aldi, here its called Hofer), and buying an excess amount of fruits and vegetables and real meat, I found my way to the Parliament in the city center.

Another grey day

Inside we were allowed to take picture and I was feeling a bit artsy, the chandeliers were amazing and the paintings so detailed! 

Simon my orientation leader

Like I said the chandeliers and lighting in the parliament were beautiful.

Beautiful room, but no one uses it anymore

I wish this was in my house

After the parliament I decided to head home for the evening, everyone here is getting sick, and I didn't feel too hott myself today either, so a good healthy meal and a solid 10 hours of sleep with lots of water will hopefully fight off whatever everyone else is getting! No time to be sick to many things to see and do :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Is this real life?

A day off?! Sunday... back in the states I would go grocery shopping, do laundry and cook a nice meal, but unfortunately most all grocery stores are closed along with other shopping. So I guess I have some time to relax and catch up. 

I told you I went to city hall the other day and I forgot my camera, well here is a picture that a friend took, every single room was beautiful!
City Hall 

Everyone called it an early night on friday as we were heading to different city's in Austria the next day. My group headed to Linz (about a 2 hour bus ride). We left at 7am, and most everyone slept on the bus. Once we arrived we took a tour of the VOEST plant. A HUGE steel company. We did an inside tour learned about the process then took a bus around the campus and got to see some steel being made. This is definitely for someone who is more interested in the production of steel then me, but still interesting, and just impressive to see the size of all the machinery, and how industrial a plot of land can be. We weren't allowed to take many pictures of the process. 
HUGE plant

After the plant, we were provided lunch at a restaurant in town, then had 2 hours to explore the small city. So we walked the main strip and saw just about everything we needed to in about half hour, then found a coffee shop and relaxed inside out of the overcast weather, that was making us all depressed. We crossed the bridge and headed to the next stop, which was the Museum "ars Electronica". 

Overcast, with calm waters
 Here at the museum they focus on the future, and not the past. They're were a lot of hands on activities to do. Our tour guide pointed some really cool stuff like this 3D printer. This printer is so unbelievable, soon you won't struggle to find the correct lego piece you will just print one.
3D printer
After the museum we watched a 3D movie on space, and took a tour of the galaxies, sat on saturn rings, and I think everyone was amazed at the technology that exists today!

Below is a short clip of an amazing seal, they are using these kind of animals in nursing homes to comfort the elders. So innovative.

The 3D printer makes anything!

After a long day, started a long night! I was invited for a night out with the "buddies" (people that go to school in Vienna that decide to help out an exchange student). Philip who is holding the bottle in this picture got us all VIP entrence to the club with a table and drinks. So fancy and so fun, you will never see anything like this in VT.

The more the merrier! 
Vienna at night!