Friday, June 14, 2013

When in Rome

Thursday I left for my last week long trip while in Europe. To Italy, with UVMer Erin. I packed in my flat mates backpack one last time and said goodbye to one of the best roommates I have ever had. Megan, because when I return back to Vienna she will be on her trip of Italy.

Upon arriving at the airport I was asked to check my bag.. Ugg so I asked how much is it going to cost the lady said oh no we don't charge we just don't want all that baggage on the cabin of the plane. Well in that case ok! Then I found some coffee and a quite place to sit for a while before heading to the gate.

One arriving in Rome, I was so excited I just wanted to get out of the airport but unfortunately our luggage took over 40 minutes to make it onto the belt.. So annoying. And the worst was that Erin had been waiting on the other side of the gate for 2 hours already. When I finally got my backpack I walked though the gate to find Erin sitting on the floor looking like a homeless person waiting for me. Haha she got tired of standing and I don't blame her.

And so we were off to find our cute apartment in the outskirts of Rome. We hopped on the train and got off 50 min later in a cute neighborhood of Rome. We walked to our apartment found Paola the women we were renting from and she let us on. It was beautiful! I became so excited for the next 4 nights. Peace and quite while sleeping, able to make own dinner, shower when you want, and all for just about the price a hostel in the city costs.
Cute apartment

Thursday night we found the grocery store and unpacked. We made pasta for dinner and enjoyed some cheap wine while watching Italian tv. We rested up for a big day ahead.


Ready for the next few days
Friday we ate breakfast in the apartment and headed to the metro were we purchased 3 day metro tickets to get us to nd from the city. We went straight for the Spanish steps to meet up with a free walking tour of the Vatican area of Rome. On the tour we met lots of Americans and learned about there travels nd studies. We also learned a lot about the city of Rome, and worked on our tan/ that later turned into a sunburn. Haha. After the tour was over we found a place to grab some Pannonia and found a shady area to sit and eat. The panini was delicious. Afterwards we searched for an gelato, which obviously wasn't that hard. Yumm.we made our way back to the Spanish steps for another walking tour at 4. This one went the other way into the city, towards the coliseum and ruins. At this point I was pretty fried so it was nice to just follow and not have to try and map out the next destination. I tried to pay attention to the information given on the tour but I don't think I absorbed much. After the tour was over we went for. Drink with a group of people that were on both tours it was really fun to hear where everyone was from and just hang out with people that love to travel.

Meeting point for the tour
Tour guide
Trevi fountain!
Trevi Fountain!
Erin and I



Fountains in ever plaza

So many amazing paintings! 

Walking to the Vatican City

Vatican City

Lunch time!

Moped Parking

Exploring the ruins

More ruins!

The cake building

When we were too tired to talk anymore we headed home. Back to our humble abod, and made some more yummy pasta for dinner and called it an early night.

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