Wednesday, June 5, 2013

DONE with classes! Off to Italy.

This week was my final week of classes/ exams here in Austria. And today was my last time on campus. So weird... but I am glad the school work is over (what little work there actually was).

Monday I had my last german class, and the teacher surprised us by handing us the final, and making it a take home! We have to email her our answers before June 15th, but since I am doing some traveling before than I have already submitted mine.

On Tuesday I had two exams. International Marketing, and Marketing Research. Less then a half hour apart from each other. I had the same teacher for both classes so the exams were structured very similarly. 5 short answer questions, that honestly you really couldn't get wrong. They were very open ended. So I am confident I passed all classes which I am SOO happy about :)

Tuesday night I was invited to a fair well dinner for one of my friends, and I decided last minute to attend. We went to a tiny thai restaurant. I ordered pad thai and it was DELICIOUS!

There were 10 of us at the dinner, it is so rough to be one of the first ones to leave. But the time we all spend together is so fun always, and that is what I will remember. So I gave Mantas (my friend who was leaving) a hug and said see you soon :)

Today Megan and I went to the gym, I had to go to school to print my boarding pass, now I am doing laundry and packing for Italy.

I leave for Italy tomorrow morning.
First Rome to see the Coliseum, The Vatican, and plenty of other cool sights.
Then to Florence, where we plan to check out the leather market for 2 days. We also plan on doing a Wine tour through Tuscany, this is kind of going to be a last hurra my time abroad. :)
Then finishing up the trip with a day trip to Pisa, to check out the cool and most well know structure that is the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Lots of Gelato, Pasta, Pizza, and Wine will be consumed :)

Then back to Vienna for 4 days before jetting back to the states.
Time has really flown by!

Sorry no pictures, there will be plenty once I return from Italy, the weather in Vienna has been grey, wet, and cold, and I don't think you want to see pictures of me studying.. haha

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