Friday, June 14, 2013

Sightseeing in Rome

Saturday we knew was going to be busy so we made some eggs for breakfast and headed to the Vatican City. We purchased our tickets for the Vatican museum ahead of time and I am glad we did some girls that we met on the walking tour said they waited 2 hours! After making it into the museum, we enjoyed wondering around and reading what little information was provided.
Cool picture we found in the museum

They are drinking diet coke?!

View of the vatican gardens

View from inside the museum!

The best way to learn something was to sneek behind a tour group and listen to what the tour guide had to say about a piece of work, or the room as a whole. We almost walked right by the famous work by Raphael.

Rapheal's work!

We had to wait a while for the Sistine Chapel to open because the pope was having a meeting with the president and a prime minister. So Erin and I found a place inside the museum to sit and eat our apples and granola bars and we listened to our prerecord end audio guide of the chapel that we downloaded ahead of time.

Steps we sat and rested on

I am glad we listened to it before so that way I knew what to look for while entering into the chapel. We finally had the energy to make our way to the chapel with the rest of the touristst. It was a long and windy hallway to enter the chapel, full of lots of other exhibits that I was not expecting to see. At this point we just wanted to get to the chapel!
Finally we made it!

Finally after 30 min of shuffle walking we made it! And wow it was absolutely amazing! Minus the guards shushsing you ever 2 minutes. You are not allowed to take pictures or videos in the chapel and dam, I am so impressed at how many people do not listen or follow the rules! Erin and I sat on the side and admired Michelangelo's one of a kind work! The most famous painting in the entire world! Nothing else could compare so as you exit the museum they make you walk though other exhibits and all we wanted to do was get home.
Not my picture cause I followed the rules but this is the famous work I am talking about!

We hopped on the metro and headed back for a late lunch and to rest our feet before doing some night touring. We grabbed the best pizza near our apartment and took it back to the apartment. Now it was nap time, we slept for almost an hour! So relaxing. Then it was time to head back into the city. We decided to do dinner I. The city and so I put on a nice dress and grabbed my camera just intime to figure out it was almost dead! Ohh no, so we waited another 15 min. Before leaving to charge my battery a bit. Then Erin completely forgot her camera at the apartment! Bummer so I took pictures on my camera and she took with her iPhone. But fist we found a cute restaurant for dinner. Yummmmyy we both had pasta dishes and it was easy to tell the pasta was homemade.

Picture time!

Spanish steps at sunset!


And we thought it would be empty.. haha

Trevi fountain at night is magical!

Love this place

Making my wishes

Spanish steps!

Afterwards we headed to the Trevi fountain and made our wishes (again) once on the walking tour and once at night. I was impressed at the number of people that were at the fountain this late! It was beautiful, minus all the trash left by careless tourists.

We made our way back to the metro and back to the apartment for another restful, night.

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