Friday, June 14, 2013

Leaning on the leaning tower (with everyone else)

Wednesday morning we took a bus to Pisa to check out the ever famous leaning tower of Pisa! So cool, but not much else to see or do.

We arrived and stuggled to find our hostel it took over an hour, included going into a hotel, the train station, a fish market, a backers, and the nicest old guy on his bike. After finally finding our hostel in the middle of a random neighborhood in Pisa we were greeted by the hostel worker on his mo pad. At least the hostel was nice. We only had two other girls in our room and never saw anyone else. We dropped our stuff off and headed out. Off to the tower, which was about a 40 min walk away... So naturally we made some stops first was lunch. This time I got ghonnci with 4 cheese on it and Erin got salmon penne. We celebrated the last day of our travels with a drink at lunch.
Classic picture

Just leaning on the leaning tower

Wait there is more to pisa?!

After becoming refueled we headed for the tower, passing all the tourist shops and many many cloths stores, we decided they probably do good business because after seeing the tower there isn't much else to do in Pisa.

We laid on the grass in front of the tower for over an hour watching lots and lots of creative leaning tower pictures. It was nice to just relax and sit on actual grass. There were some very cute families to watch having fun and we just worked on our tan. Of course we took the the typical pictures as well.

Erin's classic tourist picture.
Such a beautiful day!
After we headed back I search of terimusu,and wow was that hard to find in Italy! But we found it and it was delicious, then it was dinner time so we used the trick we learned in Florence and went into a restaurant that served pizza and ordered a pizza to go. We split one and ate it in the plaza near the train station. It was fun to watch the locals along with many tourists.

Afterwards we headed back to our hostel and the goal for the night was to pack efficiently enough to carry on our luggage.that was a task on is own because we had both purchased some stuff in Florence. But we did it. And then it was bed time.

Erin flow out of Pisa airport this morning and I am on a bus back to Florence because I fly out of the Florence airport, back to Vienna for the last time.

Well now I am on the train into Vienna from the Vienna airport. And I got lucky today. First of all because I thought I would have to pay for luggage at the airport and secondly because I didn't think I was cruelly going to make it to the airport.

When I got on the bus to the airport I asked the guy at the station if the bus was definitely going to Florence airport and he said no because there is something wrong with the bus. Oh no I I still got on the bus because at least it would take me to the city center of Florence. There I could find a bus or train. But I wasn't sure how much time I would really have.

Once in Florence I asked once more about the airport and gave the bus guy my ticket that said I purchased from Pisa airport to Florence airport and he said... Ok get on and I got a solo ride on a couch bus to the Florence airport. :) safe to say I got lucky.

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