Friday, April 19, 2013

Where does the time go?!

WOW! Time flys, in exactly 2 months I will be home...

I can't believe it has been 10 days since I last posted. I guess nothing too excited has happend but still.

I have been very busy with school and group projects.

Last Thursday a group of us wanted to go out and just have a chill night at a bar. We went to Charlie P's first, a typical bar, but it was very crowded and smoky and we were unable to hear ourselves talk so we left. We wanted something calmer. So while walking around we came across a wine gathering in front of Rathaus (city hall). People were just sipping wine and beer in the park. So we all pitched in for a bottle of wine and just found a fountain to sit infront of and people watched.


Girls :)
Last friday was beautiful so Nicole and I went to the "island" and walked around for about 3 hours together. It was so nice to just walk and talk, and bond with someone new. She is from Canada and we have a lot in common. Afterwards we went to Prater park and sat in the sun while it set. At this point we were both tired and ready for dinner. At night I went to a pub and a bunch of guys from orientation were having a drink off. Each table competes with each other to see who can drink the most. It was fun to watch, and caught up with people I hadn't seen for 3 weeks.

Beautiful Rathaus in the background
I stayed in and just hung out with people for the rest of the weekend. Sunday I watched the start of the Vienna marathon, it was so inspirational! The runners have so much motivation and it was a BEAUTIFUL day for it. Afterwards I went to brunch with two friends, and then walked around for 3 hours with one of them. We walked in districts I have never been before and it was really enjoyable to just go exploring.
RUNN forest!

This week flew by and was full of group projects and going to the gym. My Monday and Tuesday's I start class at 8 and get done at 5 then go straight to the gym. So I am gone for 12 hours usually. Makes for a tired Wednesday. 
Off to the gym

This week we had beautiful weather and I actually pulled out the summer dress :)

Summer dress, and flip flops!

Wednesday Megan (my awesome roommate) and I did just about everything you can together. Gym, then group project meeting at school (separate groups though), then shopping, then cooked dinner, and did laundry. Huge bonding day! It was great :)

Last night we decided to go out after a really great work out! She pushed me harder then I can push myself. Then we enjoyed a bottle of wine on our patio over dinner, and finally made out way to Praterdome, a night club here in vienna. We had a great time dancing the night away, and they played GREAT music.

Megan and I
Roommate love

Megan and Maryia being silly as we wait for the Tram

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