Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend full of UVM love :)

This weekend was so much fun, it all started with a fantastic night with Megan on Thursday.

Friday I went to the gym and had an amazing workout, then I met Anna and her amazingly kind friend Vanessa at the train station. I was there host for the weekend. Anna is a UVMer studying in Austria, in Salzburg, and Vanessa comes from Oregon.

Megan went to Italy for the weekend so she was kind enough to let them stay in her bed. Friday night I took them sight seeing in the inner ring of the city then we went to a cool student friendly flatbread place that I had heard good reviews about! It was so delicious, I had a pita with broccoli, chicken, cheese, and sauce. 
Pizza and beer?! no complants 

Afterwords we had to start getting ready for the biggest party at my University of the year. For one night every year they turn the bottom floor of the university into a night club, over 2000 people attend. It was SO much fun :)

Getting ready to go out

VT love!

This is my school

Girls just wanna have funn

Saturday we went to naschmarket and the flee market afterwords I took them to Demel (the number one coffee shop/cake shop here in Vienna)
UVM love

Enjoying Demels cakes

Afterwards I let them do some sight seeing while I did homework. 
Table set to the nines!
Saturday night I had been invited to a Serbian BBQ with the Austrian students that studied at UVM last semester. (While Anna and Vanessa went to the opera). It was such a fantastic dinner with lots of meat, wine, and bread! It was really nice to be invited to this BBQ I got to hear all the crazy stories of the things they did in Burlington, and they were all really helpful when it came to planning my next trip in Europe. 


Amazing cheese bread

Sundays lunch
Peanut butter, banana, almond, honey sandwich
Today was a lazy but productive day, I went to the gym while Anna and Vanessa went to Schönbrunn Palace. Later I did laundry and cooked some food for the week. I just finished watching a Nicholas Sparks movie "safe heaven" it was so sad and so good! I feel ready to start another school week.

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