Friday, April 5, 2013

Parents come to the big city

Thursday afternoon we made our way to the train station after a morning of exploring Salzburg. Our train was delayed half hour and of course we got there plenty early, so my Mom and Dad explored the grocery store while I watched our luggage.
We found "american coffee" at McDonalds and ate our sandwiches that we had made at breakfast on the train. Most of the train ride involved looking at things to do here in Vienna for the next 2 days.

We arrived in Vienna to find a crowded train station, and people on the run. We made our way to the U-BAHN, and headed towards my apartment. After changing outfits, we found a nice cafe for dinner in the middle of Vienna. Here we heard live piano music, and enjoyed another great austrian meal. 

Friday we were feeling ambitious and headed out around 9 to the Schonbrunn Palace. We purchased a family pass (I pretended to be 18, which is easy cause I look like I am about 17 years old) and we took a tour of the palace, then walked the gardens and went to the top of the overlook. It was foggy and cold out but I am so happy my parents got to see the palace. We ate some lunch at the cafe at the top and saw a family taking there wedding pictures at the top, it was quite entertaining.

After the palace we headed into the city to do some grocery shopping. I took my parents to the Merkur in Westbanhof train station to shop, they were great help when it came to carrying the heavy grocery bags. I had little to no food before cause I was gone for 3 weeks. Now I am set! After unpacking, we went to a Heurtigen (traditional vineyard and wine house) out in the country side for dinner. Here we orded food from the buffet and everyone got exactly what they wanted :) The wine was delicious and potato salad was my favorite yet.

Today we woke up and went to city hall, here we stumbled across a bike festival, which was awesome!  We watched the guys do some tricks and mom enjoyed looking at all the fancy bikes. Then we walked around town alittle bit and headed to the Nacshmarket, the exotic food market, to see what we could find.

We walked around for quite some time, but we were all pretty COLD! I was looking forward to a warm drink and to find some warmer cloths. So now I am back in my room to relax a bit before we stand for the opera.

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