Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prater at sunset

Ever since my parents left it has been beautiful weather here, of course!
It was really difficult to sit though classes the past two days. My body is not used to staying in one place for more then.. about an hour.

However its really nice to be back in Vienna with clean cloths, and a warm bed, and great company (my roommate). Once I dropped my parents off at the airport train on sunday I bummed around for the rest of the day, making myself homemade food (which I had not eaten in weeks) and did a huge load of laundry.

Monday and Tuesday I had class from 8-5 and some group project meetings here and there and a presentation in 3 out of the 4 classes, so needless to say it has been pretty GOO, Go, go..

Today I decided I have been spending too much time sitting on my computer, weither it is doing group project research, catching up on TV shows, or editing my some 3000 pictures from my travels, so I went on a nice walk in Prater Park. Very relaxing and made me want my bike back.

Suns out guns out

Casually walking the house riding path

Warm enough for flowers to grow?!

Running club?

Prater Ferris Wheel at Sunset!

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