Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend in Krakow Poland!

This weekend I went with about 100 other students from Vienna to Krakow, Poland for a packed weekend full of sightseeing, laughter, and history.

We got on the bus at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday morning and were off. Little did I know how long the bus ride really was...

We stopped about 5 times on the way to the brewery, just about every hour we made a stop and this created an unnecessarily long trip. We arrived at the Tyskie Brewery around 2 for a tour. I enjoyed the tour but, once you see once brewery I feel like you have seen them all.
Cute truck 
entrance to the brewery 

We arrived in Krakow about 6:30 and were ready for dinner, so we dropped out stuff at the hostel and headed to Chata for dinner. We had preordered dinner so the first night I had Bigos, then pork chops, and finally pierogies :)

Friday we had breakfast at Gospoda Koko (we ate here ever morning), then we had a sight seeing tour of the city. We walked around beautiful parks and checked out the Historic center, and cathedral.

Cool ceiling

Friends chillin on the bench

All the girls infront of the dragon

Lauren and I

Such a beautiful day

Jumping picture

After the walking tour we had a little bit of free time before heading to the Wieliczka salt mine. We drove just over an hour to get to the mine, when we got there we took a tour of 20 chamber, an extraordinary chaple, and saw lots of salt, but not before walking down 380 steps...

Afterwards we ate dinner in the restaurant, which was pretty cool to think we were around 300 meters below ground.

Salt Mine


Church 300 meters below ground

Water tunnel

Dinner time

Friday night I decided to stay in so on Saturday I could wake up early and head to the market. Krakow is the 3rd cheapest city in Europe so of course I had to do some shopping :)
I got some breakfast at a coffee shop and went straight for the jeweler. Unfortunately the shoe stores weren't open yet and we had to be back at the hostel at 10 to leave for Auschwitz.

Breakfast of champs

Being artsy

Saturday during the day we went on a tour of Auschwitz death camp in Oswiecim. All I can say is, wow... I can't believe that this much terror is in the world. Such a scary, and shocking eye opener. We are lucky to live in the time that we do. Most of us kept our sunglasses on the entire tour to hid the tears and emotions shed underneath.


People came from EVERYWHERE

So Sad

Glasses the people brought with them

After arriving back in Krakow, we ate dinner and prepared for a night out! We played games in a hostel down the street from ours that had a pool table and a bar. We laughed and danced until we left for the club. It was really fun to be with everyone from vienna in another country. We just had a great time, ended up dancing until around 4 a.m. in the morning.

Kathleen and I ready for a night on the town
Late night Pierogies in Poland

Sunday we woke up had breakfast and headed back to vienna. Lauren and I didn't want the breakfast they provided so we struggled to find a grocery store that was open on a sunday morning, but finally succeeded and loaded up on snacks for the ride home, making it back to vienna in record time... 8 hours! haha easy for me to say I am sick of sitting.

What a great weekend it was, and I am truly looking forward to my next adventure to the UK on thursday.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Beautiful day for exploring, and picture taking

Monday and Tuesday were full of class and group projects. Boring..
So today I got up fairly early and just explored Vienna and all its beauty!

First was breakfast on the patio with Claudia (Megan's pet flower, I am babysitting while she is in Germany).  Then it was off to the city center to tour around the gardens and room the streets. I found some unique shops and a ended up taking a nap in volksgarden. I think I might have gotten some color today. Such a great day here in Vienna.

Meet Claudia

Happy its sunny
Apparently I didn't get the lilac memo

My room with the beautiful sunshine

Waiting for the tram

Too early for others to be out

Except for birds 



Garden infront of Mozart statue
Mozart basking in the sun
Yummy delicious salad for lunch
Just a sign I came across 

And for dinner
Broccolli, potato, cheese, and garlic fritters

Tomorrow I leave for Krakow, Poland with the Buddy network. So lots of international students will be travelling together. We will visit the Tyskie brewery, have a city tour, check out a salt mine. and visit Auschwitz.

Will post pictures once I return to Vienna.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend full of UVM love :)

This weekend was so much fun, it all started with a fantastic night with Megan on Thursday.

Friday I went to the gym and had an amazing workout, then I met Anna and her amazingly kind friend Vanessa at the train station. I was there host for the weekend. Anna is a UVMer studying in Austria, in Salzburg, and Vanessa comes from Oregon.

Megan went to Italy for the weekend so she was kind enough to let them stay in her bed. Friday night I took them sight seeing in the inner ring of the city then we went to a cool student friendly flatbread place that I had heard good reviews about! It was so delicious, I had a pita with broccoli, chicken, cheese, and sauce. 
Pizza and beer?! no complants 

Afterwords we had to start getting ready for the biggest party at my University of the year. For one night every year they turn the bottom floor of the university into a night club, over 2000 people attend. It was SO much fun :)

Getting ready to go out

VT love!

This is my school

Girls just wanna have funn

Saturday we went to naschmarket and the flee market afterwords I took them to Demel (the number one coffee shop/cake shop here in Vienna)
UVM love

Enjoying Demels cakes

Afterwards I let them do some sight seeing while I did homework. 
Table set to the nines!
Saturday night I had been invited to a Serbian BBQ with the Austrian students that studied at UVM last semester. (While Anna and Vanessa went to the opera). It was such a fantastic dinner with lots of meat, wine, and bread! It was really nice to be invited to this BBQ I got to hear all the crazy stories of the things they did in Burlington, and they were all really helpful when it came to planning my next trip in Europe. 


Amazing cheese bread

Sundays lunch
Peanut butter, banana, almond, honey sandwich
Today was a lazy but productive day, I went to the gym while Anna and Vanessa went to Schönbrunn Palace. Later I did laundry and cooked some food for the week. I just finished watching a Nicholas Sparks movie "safe heaven" it was so sad and so good! I feel ready to start another school week.