Sunday, March 3, 2013

Skiing in the Alps

Today I went skiing in the alpes and it was AMAZING! I could not have asked for better weather, it was like spring skiing, and the conditions were fantastic.

Pictures are the only way to describe this day.
We hoped on a bus at 7 a.m. with all our ski stuff, for what we thought was going to be a 2 hour bus ride that then turned into 3.
Upon arrival 3 of us waited to get rental (the others had brought gear from home), and this took about another hour, so by the time we were able to get on the first lift it was almost 11:30. But it was totally worth every euro, I would have paid just to see the views.


My friend Hilla
We ski at the same level, and speed.

Nat from Australia!
Chairlift picture

Beautiful day!

Lunch time anyone?
Yummy Mac & Cheese

We ate up at the top!


Here I am on top of the world. (or so it felt like it)

The group!
Noah who is on the very right is also from VT.

And so after lunch we had about two hours left of skiing and to figure out how to get back to the bus, which none of us realllyy knew how to do.
What we thought was going to be our last run.
Paraglider in the distance!

And so at about 3:30 we decided we should start to head back across the mountain back to the bus. We had to take 2 different lifts to get back and then find the path in hidden in the trees, and unfortunately Hilla, Nat, and I somehow missed the turn and we ended up on the opposite side of the mountain  having to take the same 2 chairs again to get back, at this point it was 3:40 and the lifts stop running at 4... So we hoped on the first lift, confident that we had enough time... THEN it stopped, for 5-10 minutes, and thenn they said something on an intercom (all in german) then we heard snow mobiles, so at this point we were all pretty much freaking out and not having such a good time anymore. Finally the lift starting moving again, at a painfully slow paste. We were able to make it to the next lift intime and we found the rest of the group waiting at the base (some with beers in hand already).

And so I grabbed one of my favorites, and Ottakringer Radler, and hoped on the bus, back to Vienna. After a day of skiing then 3 hours of sitting it is now time to stretch, take a shower, eat some more food, and get ready for school to start tomorrow!

Is anyone tired yet?

Made it to the bus intime! 

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