Friday, March 22, 2013

Segovia daytrip

Today we went to Segovia a small town outside Madrid. We were supose to catch the train at 10:15 which according to the women at the front desk of the hostel was only a 5 min, subway ride away. It took us about 20 minites though and we missed the train, and the next train was full. So we opted for option B take a bus. So we got back on the subway were a saxiphone player tryed to saranade us. And found the bus station just in time. We were able to purchase our tickets and hop on at 11. And we were off!

Segovia is famous for its aquaduct in the center of the city so that was our first stop. It was quite amazing to see. Then of course lunch time. We found an amazing resteraunt located in a little plaza and couldn't have been more satisfied with the food. We had no idea what we were ordering because they didn't have english menus and the waiter spoke very little english. And so we choose by pointing and were plesantly suprised to fine out that a half bottle of wine for each of us was included in the meal. So naturally we had to finish it all. I stuck to the white wine and stayed safe by ordering salmon as my main meal.
Beautiful church

FAVORITE restaurant
Delicious salmon


Castle inspired disney cinderella

You can see the snow on the mountains

Afterwards we made it to the castle just intime for it to start raining. We took a tour of the breath taking rooms and went to the top of the tower, all 150 stairs.

It stopped raining just as we made it to the top and a rainbow was shinning over the city :)
WOW, yes this is real

... 250 steps..
Cinderella's castle
After we walked down (all 250 steps) to get a different view of the castle. It was fantastic. Then we ventured back to the bus stop and we are currently on the way back to Madrid. All in all a fantastic day, especually because the forcast called for rain.

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