Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Last days in Barcelona

So sad to be leaving. We are on the bus from the airport in Madrid to our hostel right now. The last day in Barcelona was amazing weather and no way did any of us want to leave.
We went to bed pretty early and sadly never went out for a night on the town, but we were okay with that. Too tired from sightseeing everyday all day, you can't do it all.
We got up and finished all the goodies we had purchased at the awesome grocery store called Carrefour. They had amazing gronolla, for cheap. So Kristi and I purchased a box to take to Madrid with us, and I am currently munching on some now. We packed up our things and Sean let us store our luggage for the afternoon in the hostel. And so we were off, one more day in Barcelona. We decided to finally go to the Picasso museum that we had walked by three days in a row. It was amazing to see his collections. He had such an interesting mix from different periods of his life. After about an hour I couldn't be any more amazed, museums are exhausting, we were all ready for a nice lunch.

Can't take picture of art.
So take pictures of yourself.

So cool!

And that we found, at a cute restrurant on a touristy street near the museum. Here we got a 3 course meal for 9.99 euro. I got a salad, some pizza, and cake for dessert with some coffee. It was exactly what I needed although France's duck, and Kristi's lausanga looked pretty good too.

I think this my only salad on the trip
So delicious

Creme brulle that tasted like FIRE!

After fueling up we decided to finally make the trek to guell park. The famous park that was inspired by Guadi. Here we found LOTS of tourist on a sunny day. I actually think I got kind of sun burnt. There were several street musicians and vendors up and down the streets some were more interesting then most. We enjoyed strolling around taking pictures and people watching. The funniest part was the leopard print guitar player. Which I have a short video of.


Picnic in the park
Creeper photo

Being artsy

New love 

Tile work was gorgeous!

More Gaudi inspired work

After the park we went back to the hostel to grab our things, but not before a quick stop at McDonald's for a nice cool mcflurry. After grabbing our things we headed to the aerobus, and got to the airport with plenty of time.

Security was a little bit of a struggle for me because my backpack lock didn't want to come undone. So I stood there struggling for quite some time because I wanted to take out my camera and iPad for security, but I finally decided to go through without taking them out and see what would happen. Nothing it was fine. But my bag was still locked shut. Haha so while we ate dinner I tried and tried again. I finally decided to go to airport security to see if they could cut it off for me. And they were able to get it open the lock is trash now but, it was quite the little event. The flight went fast and we found our luggage and the bus with ease. But not before grabbing a happy meal.
Happy Camper

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