Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Easter Break!

 The past few days have been full of classes and working on group projects before I leave for 3 weeks on an adventure of a lifetime.

Kristi (from florida state) Frances (from LA) and I having been planning our trip over the past 2 weeks off and on, we have all our flights booked, and hostels reserved, we have been working on a list of sights and attractions we plan on visiting in each city. Also an endless foodie list for each city, for almost every meal.
Frances, Me, and Kristi
Or as we call ourselves the Three Amigas 

All the pictures below are courtesy of google, but SOON you will see mine :)
We leave on this Friday from Vienna - Budapest by bus. We will spend the afternoon there and grab some lunch. Then off to the airport, and we're off to Barcelona!
We stay in Barcelona until Tuesday the 19th, we plan to take a tour of the segrada familia church, also, we are going to a Barcelona vs. Rayo Vallecano futbol game, along with a lot of other touristy things!
Sagrada Familia Church (we will go to the top of one of the towers on monday)

Futbol stadium 

Guell Park
After Barcelona we head to Madrid on the 19th. We will be here for 6 days. Some of the sights we plan to see are..
Retiro Park

Day trip to Segovia
Royal Palace

Day trip to Toledo

And finally after seeing everything there is to see in Madrid, we head to Lisbon Portugal. We will fly on Monday the 25th. We saved the cheapest and most scenic for last.


After all this I finally get to see my PARENTS! :)
I will be meeting them in Zurich Switzerland on the 29th of March. Then we will explore around Switzerland, Germany, and I get to show them around Vienna before they head home.

So if you don't hear from me for a while it is because I will be busy traveling, but don't worry there will be LOTS of pictures to look at after I make it back to Vienna.

Hope all is well with you guys back at home (or whoever is reading this).
Miss you all <3

1 comment:

  1. Toledo was my FAVORITE! I have never seen anything like it before or since! And Barcelona is beautiful..enjoy enjoy enjoy!!

