Tuesday, March 5, 2013

First day of class

After a month of fun traveling around and meeting some amazing people, it is time to start the "study" part of "study abroad". Monday I was off to my first class at 2 pm, and it was my intro to german language class. There were several people I recognized from the orientation program so that was comforting. Obviously since I have been here for a month now, I know a tiny bit of german already. And when I say tiny I mean about 5 words. This class moved fast, and I am excited to learn more. Although I wish it met twice a week for shorter periods (like classes at UVM), 3 hours felt like a marathon, and meeting once a week, I feel like I will forget what I learned before next class.

I learned...

Ich HeiBen Rachel
My name is Rachel

Ich komme aus America
I am from America

Ich speche englisch
I speak English

Mene Hobbys sind
My hobbies are..

First day of class
Time to catch the Ubahn (instead of bus)


Today I had 2 classes, Global Consumer Behavior from 9-12, and my teacher was great! She's so friendly, and has done so much traveling, and just seems really easy to talk to. We formed groups for a group project, and our group volunteered to present an article next week (hopefully we will get brownie points for being the first to present).
Then I had a break until 2 and I found a neat spot on the 5th floor that overlooked Vienna, and proceeded to eat my PB&J. Then I had Marketing Research which seems like a really interesting class because we will focus on markets not only in the US but in Europe too. We also formed groups, that will work together on a final project, we need to think of a topic of interest before next week.

Tomorrow I have a day off, and I plan to work on my easter break itinerary, then Thursday I will start international marketing.

Its been sunny the past week, which makes waking up a lot easier, and I love not having to drive to class, worry about parking, or getting stuck in traffic. This public transportation thing is great!

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