Monday, June 17, 2013

WOW! Vienna is BEAUTIFUL! Auf wiedersehen, danke, prost!

The past few days I have done nothing but be a complete tourist in the beautiful city that I have called home for the past 4 months.
It is peak tourist season and the rose buds are in FULL bloom!
Only pictures can (try) to describe the beauty.

View from the mountain just on the outside of Vienna!

View the OTHER direction.. what a difference.

Viewing tower.

Volksgarden park, with the rose bushes in FULL bloom

Great place for wedding pictures!


Yes I could hang out here ALL DAY!




Belvedere Gardens 

So many fountians!


One of my lasts meals in Vienna,
Delicious milka bar thanks to a great roommate.
Yummy Radler beer
And of course a bratwurst!

And to continue on Today I went to Schoenbrunn Palace for the last time :(
And I finally went to the Zoo, which is the worlds OLDEST zoo, it was so cool!

Oldest zoo!





BABY giraffe 



 And Finally after all this excitement I took some Final pictures at the beautiful palace, and the grounds that surround it.


I have this same picture in the same place for the 3 seasons I was in Vienna! 

Just smelling the roses!

Can't believe I called this place my home!
Beautiful Palace grounds.

Giving Vienna one last final BIG hug goodbye!

WOW! I can't believe the semester is over. I have met so many incredible people, traveled so much more then I ever would have expected, and had the time of my life! I am so grateful for everyone that supported me on this adventure! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I can't wait until the next big (or small) adventure. 
Danke, Prost, Auf Wiedersehen, das ist alles.

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