Friday, June 14, 2013

I want to be a gladiator..

Sunday we went to the colosseum, again we purchased tickets ahead of time which was smart and was able to just walk in. We didn't pay for a audio guide but we used our peer eroded ones that we had downloaded beforehand, so smart I wish I knew about them on my other trips! We walked around the colosseum and took lots of pictures of the roman beauty.

Between the walls.




So many people, and such a beautiful day!

Erin and I

Afterwards we headed to the ruins located next to the colosseum (which was included in the ticket). We didn't know much about this area but we got to walk around a ancient castle, and see all the ruins. It was nice outside because it was shady :) Erin and I are both not used to this heat!

Sweater = protection from sun
Granolla bar = fuel to keep moving

One more time! wohoo

Wild poppies among the ruins!


Love these trees, they were everywhere 
These used to be the baths, for the castle.

So much ruins!

Afterwards we were hungry so we decided to just eat at a little cart on the street. Well we thought we would until we checked out the price and quality, eww.. 5 euro for gross looking pizza and pininis, so I opened my travel app on my phone and found a place .2 miles walking distance that offered great sandwich and salads at a bargin in comparison. It pays to walk the extra block or two away from the tourist attraction. It also had wifi, and the coolest bathroom that had a fountain as a sink.

After refueling we walked back to the ruins and viewed them form above on the street. We started our day so early we had extra time we didn't know what to do with so I opened my app again and looked up what we had missed in Rome. We had missed the number 1 thing to see which was the St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City! So we hoped on the metro and headed there in hops to find a scarf we could tie around us in order to cover our knees. There is a strick dresscode in order to enter the cathedral, and we didn't want this to stop us from seeing the beauty.

So we found a street vendor that was selling some scarfs and gave him our 5 euros and headed for the security line. While in the security line we listened to our audio guide and did the tourist shuffle. We have decided it should be a sport because by the end of the day it becomes so painful, taking baby steps and never really moving anywhere.

Making a fashion statement

After passing the dresscode check we could finally enter! And once I entered I understood what everyone was talking about. Ohhh my god! I must say first I have seen A LOT of churches and cathedral in my time abroad but this was by far the most impressive! Maybe even more so then Guadi sacred famili in Barcelona Spain. It was really awesome because there was a service going on a swell, so you could hear the organ in the distance and the choir singing. Although this ment you could not see everything there was to the church. But I was impressed none the less.


Michelangelo's famous work
Mary holding fragile Jesus

The letters are 7 feet high
This cathedral was MASSIVE! 

Such an amazing alter

So much marble

The detail is incredible!

After walking round and around, we decided to head home, our feet were tired and we couldn't be awed amazed anymore.

We went back to the apartment and found a different pizza place for dinner, Erin made me try a Italian rice ball with rice and manzerella in the inside and it was so delicious I had to get one for myself. We headed back to the apartment and enjoyed our last dinner in it.

After a little rest and waiting for the sun to set we headed into the city for the last time to see the colosseum at night. While there we met a really nice guy traveling alone from Newfoundland Canada. He asked me to take a picture of him for him. And we just got talking he ended up coming night ugh tweeting in Rome with us, and we learned a lot about his travels. We took pictures and just loved walking around Rome together the 3 of us. After sitting informt of the colosseum for quite some time chatting we decided it was time to head home. We said bye to our new friend and headed for the metro.

Colosseum at night

Love this place!


City full of ruins!

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