Sunday, February 17, 2013

Is this real life?

A day off?! Sunday... back in the states I would go grocery shopping, do laundry and cook a nice meal, but unfortunately most all grocery stores are closed along with other shopping. So I guess I have some time to relax and catch up. 

I told you I went to city hall the other day and I forgot my camera, well here is a picture that a friend took, every single room was beautiful!
City Hall 

Everyone called it an early night on friday as we were heading to different city's in Austria the next day. My group headed to Linz (about a 2 hour bus ride). We left at 7am, and most everyone slept on the bus. Once we arrived we took a tour of the VOEST plant. A HUGE steel company. We did an inside tour learned about the process then took a bus around the campus and got to see some steel being made. This is definitely for someone who is more interested in the production of steel then me, but still interesting, and just impressive to see the size of all the machinery, and how industrial a plot of land can be. We weren't allowed to take many pictures of the process. 
HUGE plant

After the plant, we were provided lunch at a restaurant in town, then had 2 hours to explore the small city. So we walked the main strip and saw just about everything we needed to in about half hour, then found a coffee shop and relaxed inside out of the overcast weather, that was making us all depressed. We crossed the bridge and headed to the next stop, which was the Museum "ars Electronica". 

Overcast, with calm waters
 Here at the museum they focus on the future, and not the past. They're were a lot of hands on activities to do. Our tour guide pointed some really cool stuff like this 3D printer. This printer is so unbelievable, soon you won't struggle to find the correct lego piece you will just print one.
3D printer
After the museum we watched a 3D movie on space, and took a tour of the galaxies, sat on saturn rings, and I think everyone was amazed at the technology that exists today!

Below is a short clip of an amazing seal, they are using these kind of animals in nursing homes to comfort the elders. So innovative.

The 3D printer makes anything!

After a long day, started a long night! I was invited for a night out with the "buddies" (people that go to school in Vienna that decide to help out an exchange student). Philip who is holding the bottle in this picture got us all VIP entrence to the club with a table and drinks. So fancy and so fun, you will never see anything like this in VT.

The more the merrier! 
Vienna at night!

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