Sunday, February 10, 2013

First day!

Upon arriving in Frankfurt 5 am there time, but in my mine it was 11 pm, so through off and ready for my first cup of coffee I made it though customs :)
My frist stamp on my passport and I couldn't be more excited. German police are so funny and serious. This is where I realized the men in Europe have better style then me! I have never seen so many suits, ties, and leather satchels.

On my way to the airplane in Frankfurt, a guy asked me where I was from in German I didn't even know how to say, I don't understand so I just stood there looking stupid shrugging my shoulders... Then I said sorry.. and WALA he spoke english, ahahaha, then I said oh I live in Rutland. (Like I would if I was at Killington skiing) phss like he's supost to know that, then I said Vermont, and then he looked confused. This is when it hit me that I was in EUROPE!


I slept alittle bit on the plan to Vienna and so happy to see my buddy Elena on the other side of luggage claim :)
We waited for two other students to arrive from a flight from Berlin, then we took all our luggage and hopped on the train, then to the Uban (subway) and finally to my dorm. It was a treck but I was so happy to have friends and a guide. The two guys were left to find there apartments by themselves after Elena and I got off.

Elena had planned a lunch at a traditional German restaurant where I ate my first Schnitzel. 

Mingling :)
These were the wonderful people I got to eat lunch with, the first few on both sides of the table are US students and as you get to the back of the restaurant, were the Austrian students that joined us. We talked about school, travel, and it was great. After lunch some people went sight seeing but I was SO tied I decided to head back and do some unpacking, I found my room with no roommates and just starting unpacking, with hopes they would show up and be kinda normal. Jenna came first and she is from the US studying German at a school here in Vienna, she's really nice and I can't wait to get to know her better. Then I met my roommate (and I'm still not sure what her name is) she's from Russia, and speaks mostly German. But seems very nice :)
And the last roommate isn't here yet.

My room

After a nice long night of sleep I had orientation session for the school where we sat and learned about how to sign up for classes or the waiting list, and register with the government, and get semester UBahn (subway) 
After all that fun stuff I went home and quickly packed a bag for Venice. The buddy system planned a trip to the Carnival, the train would leave at 9 and dinner was a 5.

There coffees are good, but small

I drank coffee, and had wine Spritzers with some great friends :) Good conversations and a wonderful dinner.

Wine Spritzers
Dinner Friends :)

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