Saturday, May 11, 2013

London day one

So after finally arriving about 1 am I was exhausted to say the least. I decided to sleep in a little bit in the morning but not much I was up and out by 11 am. When I left Kyle's it was sunny warm and I thought I had worn too many layers but as I walked to the train station I released that wasn't the case. It started absolutly pouring, by the time I made it to the train station it had socked through all my cloths. Wet and cold, and off to the big city. I was planning on doing a walking tour of the city but it was absolutely miserable weather so I decided to buy a tube pass for the day and go to the outskirts of the city, by public transit.
First I had to figure out the tube, but since I have been in so many different cities now it didn't take long for me to get the hang of it.

 I went to kings crossing first to get my picture on the famous platform 9 3/4 from Harry potter.
Living in harry potter's world

Thank you random stranger for a great picture!

Typical London

After I walked to the British museum and did some exploring but it was just so big and had so many people I wasn't really into it that much, although it was a good escape from the cold and windy.

British museum 

Rosetta Stone

Lots of greek statues

Museum from the inside

After I headed to the tower bridge and was able to get some great photos of it and of me from strangers. This is my first city touring along so at least it is easy to ask someone to take your picture because 99% of them for sure know English.

The castle attached to the tower


Thank you random stranger for a great picture! 

After checking out the bridge and the clouds started to turn I decided to head for the underground again. This time off to Harrods store. The largest most expensive high class store I have ever seen. Probably has over 300 employees and 50 of them being police / security. I walked around the handbag, shoes, and dress section and couldn't stop drooling. 

Who actually wears these cloths?

The store from the outside, it was huge!
 After being completely overwhelmed and exhausted from sight seeing I decided to head back to the train station I started at, I got a tea and some food, nothing fancy while traveling along, McDonald's kids menu is the way to go. I hoped on the train and was off back to Kylie's. now she is studying and i am planning what I will see tomorrow again, looks like in the rain.

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