Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Innsbruck - homemade cookies in the alps

The train ride here was incredible, we got to see so many valleys, farms, and church's on top of hills, along with a few castles and of course the beautiful alps. After arriving in Innsbruck, we purchased our 24 hour pass at the train station and asked directions to our hotel. We stayed in the Hilton which was absolutely beautiful with a nice "fire place" in the main lobby. (A tv with flames and fake wood surrounding it). We dropped our luggage off and were on our way to explore another city.
View from the train

Innsbruck Easter Fest

First stop the alps for some lunch! We found the tram that took you to the chairlift up the mountain on the other side of old town Innsbruck. What an incredible view from the top! We definitely picked the right day to go up. Wow! So we had some lunch and enjoyed people watching, after we walked around admired the skiers doing tricks on the alps, and walked in an ice cave bar/dance club.
Top of the alps!
The tram we took up

Enjoying moms homemade cookie
at the top of a german alp..

Clouds were doing some cool stuff


MOM and I  <3

After being nearly blinded by trying to smile without sunglasses on we decided to head back down the mountain, next stop the zoo. We walked around the zoo for less then an hour and weren't too enthusiastic, definitely an attraction for the younger crowd. Then we heads back into Innsbruck to check out the rest of the Easter market that was going on. Here we found some amazing painted easter eggs and Austrian crafts. We were pretty tired at this point and headed back to the hotel for a quick nap and to find a place to eat.

We went to a place in the old town the receptionist suggested and it wasn't amazing but I still enjoyed my over cooked duck.

Enjoying the meal 

Today we woke up and headed to the Swarovski crystal museum, we took a shuttle from the train station to get there but not before grabbing a croissant or two, and a coffee. Trying to find coffee my dad likes here is quite challenging, but beer on the other hand is easy!

The museum was quite interesting the crystals were amazing but there were some thing in the museum that definitely were strange and I think the artist was on some kind of drugs. (Crystal meth?)
The Giant (the museum was inside)

Largest Crystal in the world!

Ultimate crystal ball

Close up

Later we headed to the Hofburg palace, another royal palace and took a tour, but really we were more interested in the Historic Alpine Museum attached  Here we learned about skiers and climbers that explore the alps daily, and all the incredible equipment they need to tackle a challenge such as this.

Lovin my statues
After we ate lunch at a pizzeria and had gelato while walking along the riverside. Then we walked through the gardens and back to the hotel for a nap.

Ceiling of some church

Golden Roof 

Found Dad some Beer!

After nap we went back out for dinner at the golden roof resteraunt, and it was amazing! We all agreed it was the best meal yet :)

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